There is fantastic news for the Indian professional sports players, Jaypee group has recently inaugurated an exclusive Department of Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation at Jaypee Hospital, a Multi Super Specialty Hospital located at Sector 128 Noida on 2nd of August. This department will provide comprehensive treatment for sports related injuries with the help of a dedicated and experienced staff of sports medicine specialists, orthopaedicians, physiotherapists and psychologists which will help the sportsperson to get them on the field in the shortest time period possible. The Department will also have specialized programs to enhance the performance of sportsperson such as Sports Fitness Training & Conditioning, Performance Up gradation, Back to Track Program and Sports Injury Prevention programs. It is a very important and significant step because now Indian sportspersons need not to go abroad for their medical requirements like accessing sports medicine and rehabilitation facilities in case of injury.
On the occasion of inauguration of this department, many doctors were presented there, including Mr. Sunny Gaur, Managing Director-Jaypee Hospital, Mrs. Rekha Dixit, Director–Jaypee Hospital, Dr. Manoj Luthra, CEO-Jaypee Hospital and former captain of Indian cricket team Mr. Kapil Dev.

So, I was invited there, i had leveraged this opportunity and curiously asked few questions from expert doctors and former cricketer Mr. Kapil Dev. Read a glimpse of an interview below and important lessons here for Indian parents and sports enthusiasts which should be learned from American parents and their society outlook towards sports.
To Mr. Kapil Dev:
What is your fitness schedule now days, at age of 57?
We have asked the legendary cricketer Kapil Dev about how he maintains his fitness and he revealed that he follows a specific diet which provides more nutrition and less cholesterol. He also mentioned about his two hours schedule of physical activity like exercise and cycling which keep his body healthy and going. Regular physical activities help him in retaining his young charms and staying fit with growing age.
To Dr. Manoj Luthra
Which diet should be intake by average sports players of any game?
We have asked Dr. Manoj Luthra, CEO Jaypee Hospital about the diet factor of sportspersons and he emphasized on the intake of vitamins and minerals along with proper rehydration of the body because the players tends to lose more water during the high intensive workouts and training.
To Dr. Rakesh Chandra
While everyone is here, talking about national players, how do you think – injuries could be preventive for the average sports player, play in their local areas or for the state?
Our next question was answered by Dr. Rakesh Chandrawho said that proper guidance is very important in the initial stages of sports like at school level when the parents, teachers and the institution facilities should work together with expert guidance, sharpens the skills of a budding sportsperson. He advised that proper medication and nutrition can increase the immunity and endurance of body which reduces the chances of any sports related injury.
Would the middle class citizens in India be able to afford this kind of sports medical facilities?
Dr. Rakesh Chandra has put forward his concern towards the lack of availability of sports medical facilities in the country by saying that lack of basic sports infrastructure leaves a great impact on professional sports career. Opening of such facilities will increase awareness about professional sports among people. More awareness towards the sports career will gradually change the society mind set and encourage the next generation to take up sports as profession. The increase in sports medical facilities will make it more affordable to the middle class people and other sections of the society eventually.
How Indian parents can become more proactive and prevent their children from such sports injuries which could affect their dream and career goals?
Injuries are unfortunate incidents and affect the player physically; mentally and financially therefore it is necessary to prevent them as much as possible. Therefore we asked Dr. Rakesh Chandrathat how parents can play an important role in teaching their wards about taking up preventive measures.
On which he replied by citing an example of USA that how parents have been there try to spend quality time with their kids and find out their interests and inclinations towards extracurricular activities. If Indian parents will also understand the sports interests of their children then it will be easier for them to teach them along with the experts about preventive measures during training of that sport.
If there is something in India, we should learn from American parenting methods?
Our society is very close knit and parents are generally very protective and strict. Dr. Rakesh Chandraadvised the Indian parents that they should become a little flexible and friendly with their kids so that they will open up to their parents to let them know their interests and dislikes. This approach can help Indian parents in shaping their children future as next Olympic Champion.
The above conversation with the expertsproves that our country has the potential to give champions in every sports field but Lack of social and financial support is not allowing the budding sports players to rise above. The time has come that we recognize the talent in our young ones and encourage them to take up their favorite sport. Who knows he or she becomes the next Abhinav Bindra, Mary Kom or P.T. Usha?
Blogging studio team wish a luck to the Indian players for RIO Olympics.