Does Omega 3 Help With Fluid Retention? Let’s Discuss!

Does Omega 3 Help With Fluid Retention? Let’s Discuss!

First things first, what is Omega-3? Most of you must know they are found in fish oil but what do they do? How beneficial are they for your health? Do they have any side-effects? Do they help with fluid retention? If yes, is that all they do? Also, how to add them to your diet?

All your concerns and doubts will be answered here by us. Read below to get a better understanding of Omega-3 and its relation to preventing fluid retention and much more.

What is Omega-3?

Omega-3 is a combination of three polyunsaturated fatty acids: Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). They are used to develop and boost many bodily functions and maintain the organs performing well throughout.

Before we dive into the benefits of Omega-3, let’s learn what these three polyunsaturated fatty acids are individually:

  • Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA): ALA is mainly found in plant-based sources like flaxseed, chia seed, walnuts, canola etc. Through these plant-based sources it can be turned into an form like canola oil or flaxseed oil.

Additionally, the human body does not produce ALA naturally hence the need to consume it through food sources.

  • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA): EPA can be found in fatty cold-water fishes and other seafood like tuna, mackerel, shark, sardines, etc. Similar to ALA, the human body cannot make its own EPA but only a small amount of EPA can be made from ALA. Hence, food sources rich in EPA or EPA supplements are important to retain healthy levels of both fatty acids.
  • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA): Similar to EPA, DHA is also found in particular seafood like tuna, mackerel, etc. The body turns ALA into EPA then it gets transformed into DHA. This entire process makes an insignificant amount of DHA that’s why it’s recommended to find nutritional sources rich in DHA fatty acid.

Now that you know what Omega-3 fatty acids are let’s dig a little deeper and understand what purpose do they have.

What Purpose Does Omega-3 Serve?

Omega-3 fatty acids DHA, EPA, and ALA serve a crucial role in maintaining the overall mental and physical health. In particular, these are the bodily functions they support:

  • Maintaining your heart health
  • Regulating hormones in the endocrine system
  • Lowers your triglycerides in the blood
  • Sustains cellular health
  • Helps with fluid retention
  • Controls inflammation
  • Prevents blood clotting
  • Binding receptors that regulate DNA and RNA genetic production
  • Helps with fetal development
  • Maintains immune system
  • Decreases the risk of heart diseases
  • Encourages gut support

It’s established that Omega-3 fatty acids have multiple benefits but what we will further look into is, how it helps with fluid retention.

Omega-3 and Fluid Retention – Connection?

There can be many reasons for water retention also known as edema in your body but one of the main reasons could be the lack of Omega-3 fatty acids. Need not worry, you can consume Omega-3 in different forms ways depending on your preference, either through supplementation or adding it to your diet from natural sources.

As mentioned above, Omega-3 fatty acids have a plethora of benefits but they are inherent to cellular composition and hormonal structure. Additionally, they play a vital role in preserving water balance in your body as hormonal imbalance can be the cause of it. Since Omega-3 fatty acids are widely known for regulating hormones in your body, in turn, the issue of water retention also gets solved.

Nonetheless, if you notice immense or sudden fluid retention anywhere in your body, abdomen, legs, fingers, etc., consult a doctor right away. Only a healthcare professional can truly detect the reason for water accumulation and prescribe whatever is needed. Instead of trying a dietary supplement or an herbal treatment yourself, ask your doctor.

Lastly, after doing thorough research on Omega-3 and how it helps with fluid retention, you still need to consult a doctor to determine the dose of Omega-3 you might need. Checking your medical history before altering or adding Omega-3 into your diet is the safest way to go.

Side Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

As many benefits and advantages as there are for the consumption of Omega-3, it has some side effects too. Depending on each individual’s health history, Omega-3 fatty acids will be affected differently. Following are some of the side effects:

  • If you consume Omega-3 from fish oil the very apparent side effect is a fishy aftertaste which is quite unpleasant.
  • Slight nausea
  • Bloating
  • It’s most uncommon but one might develop an allergic reaction including a rash, harsh breathing, dizziness, skin irritation and itching.

If any of these side effects arise, last longer than a day or so or get worsened, consult your doctor directly.

How Much Omega-3 Consumption Is Safe?

There are various researches all over the internet recommending different ratios and percentages of ALA, DHA and EPA. Most of the health organizations recommend similar amount of Omega-3, an intake of 250-500 milligrams of a combination of EPA and DHA.

If you wish to consume more of a natural food-source then 2-servings of cold-water fatty fish per week is quite sufficient. However, a higher level of Omega-3 is usually recommended by healthcare professionals to people who have certain health conditions, such as diabetes, severe heart diseases or high triglyceride levels.

As a basic guideline, if you experience any major or even minor side effects, consult your doctor. Also, you can decrease the dosage of Omega-3 intake. Even better, you can fulfill your Omega-3 needs for maximum health through natural food sources like:

  • Plant oil like canola oil
  • Soybeans
  • Flaxseed or flaxseed oil
  • Cold-water fatty fishes like tuna, sardines, salmon, herring, mackerel
  • Nuts especially walnuts
  • Chia seeds

The Bottom Line

Omega-3 plays an essential role in maintaining a good diet by the intake of natural food sources, supplements in the form of fish oil or even fish oil supplements. However, be careful as not to consume more than needed. Excessive Omega-3 or imbalanced levels of DHA, ALA and EPA can cause damage to your health.

Most importantly, try to get your Omega-3s through natural food sources like walnuts, trout, sardines, trout etc. for the safest nutritional gain.

Healthy Lifestyle