10 Ways to Lose Weight Without any Exercise

10 Ways to Lose Weight Without any Exercise

Many people hit the gym or go for a rigorous workout but there are ways to lose weight without exercise. In fact, it is said that 70 percent of your and only 30 percent depends on the workout.

Here are some weight loss tips which if followed will help to reduce weight in a week:

  • Stay hydrated

stay hydrated - lose weight without exercise

Image courtesy:- www.economictimes.com

Water doesn’t just remove thirst , drinking at least 12 glasses of water aids in weight loss. It keeps a check on your appetite and make sure you do not eat extra. One of the best age old weight loss tips is to drink warm water after you wake up in the morning.

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Keep healthy snacks - lose weight without exercise

Image courtesy:- www.rachelraymag.com

Healthy snacking is very important if you want to lose weight. So make sure you carry some nuts, makhana, or any other healthy snack with you to deal with hunger pangs. Also, it is good if you don’t keep any unhealthy snacks at home. This will help you to avoid unhealthy food which will ensure you will lose weight without exercise.

  • Be slow while eating

Studies say that fast eaters are more likely to get obsessed. Food should be eaten slowly and chew properly. Do read – 6 Things You Should Never Do After Eating

  • Lemon water and ajwain water

lemon water - lose weight without exercise Image courtesy:- www.health24.com

Start your day with a warm glass of lemon water with honey. You can boil some ajwain in water and drink it. These drinks are excellent in enhancing metabolism.

  • Avoid white sugar

White sugar - lose weight without exercise

Image courtesy : www.alibaba.com

White sugar is not good for health and is directly linked to weight. So one can decrease the quantity of white sugar consumed by them. White sugar can be replaced with brown sugar or jaggery.

  • Avoid aerated drinks

avoid aerated drinks - lose weight without exercise

Image courtesy :- www.pioneer.com

Aerated drinks are loved by all of us especially in summers. But these drinks are full of sugar and caffeine thus a shortcut to gain weight. Avoiding them will go a long way in weight loss without exercise.

  • Eat in regular intervals

One of the important weight loss tips is to eat at regular intervals . 6 to 8 meals a day is better than 3 meals a day. Eating on regular intervals will ensure that you do not eat extra in one meal and it will make you feel full fast. Take healthy snacks or fruits before lunch and in evening before dinner.

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  • Eat high protein diet

One of the important weight loss tips is to has a diet which is rich in protein. Protein rich diet food has good impact on our body. It increases the feeling of fullness and helps you eat fewer calories. So replacing some part of grains with lentils and other protein rich food.

  • Eliminate electronic distractions while eating

avoid watching tv - lose weight without exercise Image courtesy:- www.capegazette.com

It is good to avoid watching TV or using cellphones while having your meals. This help you to focus on the food and eat small portions. Studies show that those who eat absent mindedly tend to eat more calories than others. These extra calories consumed on a regular basis will have a massive impact on your health.

  • Reduce stress and enhance sleep

reduce stress and enhance sleep - lose weight without exercise

Image courtesy:- www.usatoday.com

Lack of sleep disturbs the appetite hormones leptin and ghrelin. High stress levels may fluctuate your hunger times and increases cravings for unhealthy food.

These simple tips can work great on you and you will lose weight without exercise or some conventional tiring workout routine.

lose weight without exercise

Weight Loss