Vaginal Tightening Creams: An Alternative to Vaginoplasty!

Vaginal Tightening Creams: An Alternative to Vaginoplasty!

Vaginas can lose their natural firmness in due course of time. There can be many factors causing or facilitating a loose vagina. A common cause is weak pelvic muscles. Pregnancy and childbirth can cause the vaginal muscles to loosen but this is usually temporary and you will regain the firmness in sometime. Ageing can cause the vaginal muscles to lose their form and firmness. There can be some physiological conditions or medical problems that can contribute to the loosening of vagina or the weakening of vaginal muscles. Regardless of the cause or facilitating factors, you would want to restore the firmness and two common options are vaginal tightening creams and vaginoplasty.[footnote][/footnote]

Vaginoplasty vs. Vaginal Tightening Creams

Vaginoplasty is the more traditional option for vaginal rejuvenation. It was the most popular remedy among women as vaginal tightening creams were created much later. However, vaginal rejuvenation was not as popular in the twentieth century as it is now. More women are conscious of their vaginal firmness now. They are more alert of the changes and take corrective action. While most women are conscious of the effects of a loose vagina on sexual stimulation or arousal and orgasm, many would simply want to feel nice and sexy. A loose vagina can adversely affect self-confidence and it definitely reduces the pleasure of sexual intercourse.[footnote][/footnote]

Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure. It is reconstructive plastic surgery. Only an M.D. is supposed to carry out this inpatient surgical procedure. You would have to get admitted at a hospital and you would only be discharged when you are fit to be on your own. Depending on the complications of the process and various other factors including but not limited to your age and the condition of your vaginal muscles, you may have to spend several weeks at a hospital before you are declared fit to be discharged.

Vaginoplasty aims to restore certain parts of the vagina, including tightening of the pelvic floor and vaginal opening. There can be other steps involved to make your vagina look more youthful and to make it firmer and tighter. The problem lies with the chances of success of this process and the associated risks. There is some substantial reservation expressed by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologist. It does not really find the surgery to be entirely safe and hence does not recommend it wholeheartedly. Many plastic surgeries are deemed medically unsafe and vaginoplasty is not an exception. Women undergoing vaginoplasty are at risk of developing a surgical wound infection, scarring, nerve damage, tissue adhesions or cysts and dyspareunia or painful sensations during sex.

There is one more serious risk of vaginoplasty. You may lose the sensation of touch and sexual stimulation in your vaginal labia, vulva or clitoris, perhaps all these parts. Many women have reported having little or no sensation. This makes the whole purpose of undergoing a surgical procedure completely futile. Surgery has no impact on libido, which is what fuels sexual stimulation. It should be noted that vaginal tightening creams have no such risks or side effects as vaginoplasty. Vaginal tightening creams are not an invasive process. There is no surgery or hospitalization. There is no inpatient treatment or any such requirement.[footnote][/footnote]

Vaginal Tightening Creams are an Alternative to Vaginoplasty

Vaginal tightening creams are an alternative to vaginoplasty. They are a topical solution that needs to be applied regularly. The creams would be water or oil based. You can choose the type you prefer. There are all kinds of vaginal tightening creams. Some use only naturally available ingredients such as ginseng and other wonders from around the world. Some creams use artificial ingredients. You can always avoid the latter. Vaginal tightening creams would not only strengthen your muscles and tighten the labia but also boost your libido. Many vaginal tightening creams would also have a lubricating effect that makes sexual intercourse much more pleasurable as it reduces the friction, thereby facilitating the motion.

Vaginal tightening creams are not only a noninvasive and safer alternative to vaginoplasty but also a more affordable substitute. Vaginoplasty would cost somewhere between four thousand and ten thousand dollars. The cost could be higher if you need two surgical procedures over a period of time. If there are side effects or you suffer from one of the risks associated with vaginoplasty, then those would incur additional expenses. None of these would be covered by health insurance so all expenses have to be borne by you.

Vaginal tightening creams are also known as renewal gels. These would increase the flow of blood to the vaginal area, the walls and the labia, the vulva and the clitoris. These creams or gels work almost instantly. You will feel a difference in minutes. However, long-term effects are possible only when you are regular with the use of such creams or gels. You can to make a more informed decision.

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