Tips For Fair And Glowing Skin From Beauty Experts

Tips For Fair And Glowing Skin From Beauty Experts

Soft, fair, flawless and glowing skin is every girl’s dream but it is next to impossible with the rising pollution, harmful sun rays, chemical products and stress filled life. The one simple method to get rid of skin problems is going through expensive beauty treatments which is not possible for everybody to afford. So, should you give up your dream to look ravishing with a flawless skin?

Nah, Never!! There is always another way if one door is closed. By giving a little more attention to our skin and health, you can actually get the radiant face without burning a hole in your pocket. Here are some beauty tips from experts which will help you in achieving your objective.

Treatment for dull and pigmented skin

The two major flaws of skin are hyper-pigmentation and tired skin which should be treated immediately. It is important to give more attention to pigmentation as it takes months to cure and the soon you start the treatment, the soon you will able to get a flawless skin. Follow these beauty tips from the beauty experts Shahnaz Hussain to get a clear skin

Sun protection

You must be aware that sun is main cause of most of the skin problems like pigmentation, sun burn, skin darkening etc. Therefore, you must avoid the harmful sun rays as much as possible by wearing protective clothing and accessories like long sleeved dress, wide brimmed hat, sunglasses, scarf etc.

Wear the right sunscreen

This is very important to protect the skin from harmful UV rays (UVA and UVB) of sun while you step out. Both types of UV rays can cause pigmentation problems therefore you should choose a sunscreen which offers protection from the both types but if you couldn’t find such product then you should buy a sunscreen with SPF 30 for UVB protection and a (++) for UVA protection.

You must apply it 30 minutes before going out in sun and on every two hours after that since the sunscreen effect reduces with time.

Keep your skin moisturized

Dry skin is prone to pigmentation and tanning therefore you should keep your skin moisturized to make it healthy and glowing. If you live in colder climate then you should use heavy moisturizers. The same tip goes for winter season as the skin tends to dry more quickly.

According to experts, Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) is one of the active ingredients against pigmentation. Lactic acid and glycolic acid are two AHAs which are derived from milk and sugarcane respectively. These are very effective especially when these are teamed up with moisturizing agents.

You can use this daily in form of an AHA based face wash or day lotion which also has SPF 30 or face masks with 10% hydroxy acid. All these products will help you get a brightened and lightened skin in a safe way.

Use Hydroquinone with caution

This chemical is widely used for pigmentation problem but it is found to be very harmful and is banned in European Union. Its products carries high risks of skin problems like irritation, redness, itching, and even darkening.

Yes, it can cause ochronosis which is a skin condition in which the skin develops a blue black color wherever the product is applied. Although, this chemical ingredient is effective but strict monitoring is highly recommended.

Opt for natural or safe anti-pigmentation options

A safe chemical alternative to Hydroquinone is Alpha Arbutin and commonly used in spot treatments by the experts by combining it with other ingredients like Vitamin C, Retinyl palmitate and alpha hydroxy acids for desired outcome.

Natural methods are safest options to get a glowing skin and you can use these home remedies like Grated potatoes, Cucumber juice, Lemon juice, Aloe Vera extract, Vinegar, Tomato juice, Curd and Mashed raw bananas etc. to tackle pigmentation naturally.

Although, these natural methods takes time but you will feel the difference in your skin as it will heal in a healthy way.

Skin Care