Cold Laser Therapy & How it Helps Relieve Pain

Cold Laser Therapy & How it Helps Relieve Pain

If you’re trying to heal from an injury, you may want to look into natural treatments instead of painkillers, as painkillers can cause side effects such as dependence, tolerance and others. Instead of chemicals, why not try a non-traditional form of chiropractic treatment called cold laser therapy that can be used to relieve muscle aches and pains quickly and effectively?

Check out our blog post on how lasers work and whether they’re the right choice for you.

Laser Therapy Works by Heating the Skin Cells

It may sound counter-intuitive, but cold laser therapy is performed using a small laser that emits light that penetrat­es two inches beneath the skin. Basically, cold laser therapy heats up skin cells! With this treatment, the skin cells absorb the energy from the laser and heal themselves. You won’t feel any pain during the procedure.

Cold lasers are used for treating skin conditions where there is no inflammation. They don’t heat the tissue, so they’re usually done once every few weeks. The concept behind the technique: When exposed to specific wavelengths of visible or ultraviolet (UV) radiation, cells become activated, which causes them to start repairing themselves.

Plants use photosynthetic processes to create energy from sunlight. After exposure to suitable wavelengths of red and infrared (IR) radiation, cells’ metabolic processes can be activated, reducing inflammation, pain, and overall healing.

Doctor is healing a patient with Cold Laser Therapy - Cold Laser Therapy

Cold Laser vs Red Light Treatments

Red light exposure is a promising new treatment for skin conditions such as acne. It helps improve blood flow, increase collagen production, and reduce inflammation. You can get red light treatments from a doctor or dermatologist. Some people also try self-treatment methods, such as applying red light devices directly to their skin. Low-level laser treatment is also known as low-powered laser treatment, low-intensity laser treatment, and photobiomodulat­ion.

Lasers have a pinpointed focal spot, whereas LED lights spread out and lose intensity as they travel farther away from their source.

Cold Laser Treatments: What does it treat?

Cold laser therapies’ light can be applied to a wide range of different kinds of cells. They’re, therefore, versatile when it comes to . Below are some examples of the conditions that cold laser therapies can help with:

  • Back problems
  • Facet joints
  • Herniated disc pain
  • Muscle strains
  • Tendonitis
  • Bursitis
  • Tennis elbow
  • Knee pains
  • Muscle spasms

While it can be very helpful for multiple pain conditions, this treatment should be used under supervision because there are some side effects. For example, pregnant women should not use it, and the same is valid for skin areas where there are suspicious cancerous lesions observed, as well as for patients currently suffering from cancerous conditions. The light may also negatively affect the thyroid, so please consult your doctor before using it in such a place.

Do you think you should give cold laser therapy a shot?

Cold lasers can treat some of these conditions, but they won’t immediately eliminate them. It is an excellent alternative for anyone who wants to get rid of acne fast without undergoing painful procedures like chemical peels or dermabrasion. It doesn’t require taking medications, and there are no known adverse health consequences.

There are different types of chiropractic treatment for neck pain. Depending on how severe the condition is, there may be anywhere between eight and thirty sessions needed before the problem is fully healed. A chiropractor can tell you how many treatments you may require to improve.

Now that you’ve just finished reading this article about cold lasers, why not consider trying out cold lasers? Cold lasers may work better for you than traditional heat treatments such as hot water bottles, ice packs, ultrasounds, or electric currents. Don’t forget to schedule an initial consultation with our office today if you’re interested in learning more about how we can provide you with the best possible treatment options.

Healthy Lifestyle